Safe Community Classifieds

1624 Kellywood Ave for rent in Cincinnati, OH

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Coming soon: This beautiful 3 bedroom 1 bath home in West Price Hill. Features a covered front porch, huge 2 car detached garage, and a fabulous back deck. Hardwood flooring throughout and the kitchen comes equip with a dishwasher and microwave as well as all other appliances. This home also has a basement. While this home is not quite ready to tour you can apply online and lock down this great house!

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  • Electronic Scams
  • Home-based jobs
  • Fake Rentals
  • Bad Buyers
  • Non-Existent Merchandise
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Don't Be Fooled

Fraudsters advertise a rental property usually at a considerable discount. This allows the fraudster to receive as many replies or inquiries as possible. The fraudster goest to great lengths to make this property look as legitimate as possible and might include pictures, floor plans, etc. To make sure you express an interest in the property the fraudster will ask you to wire money for a deposit, verify funds, or other legitimate sounding reasons.

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